Senior Airman (Ret.) Jennifer P. Miranda is a four year Air Force 4 year Air Force veteran who served as an Assistant Dedicated Crew Chief on the F-16CG block 40 Fighting Falcon. She was medically retired 22 July, 2008, for injuries sustained in Balad Air Base, Iraq in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.
She believes that the Air Force provided her with a wealth of character building tools.
“The Air Force has done a lot for me as a person. It not only accentuated my core values and beliefs but instilled new ones that have helped me persevere and overcome any obstacles that stood and will stand in my way. It gave me the motivation and determination to make a difference no matter where I am. It is something that will stay with me forever,” said Miranda.
Miranda is originally from Sunnyside, Washington. She is currently a Principal Assistant to the Business Operations Director, 390th Maintenance Wing at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.