Chief Master Sgt. (Ret.) Don Shelton joined the Air Force in 1971 when he was 18 years old. “I knew I was going to get drafted in the Army, but I wanted to join the Air Force,” he said. “Being from an Air Force family, my father took me to the recruiter and they got me in on the delayed enlistment program in October.” In December, Shelton attended training to become a member of the Air Force’s elite pararescuemen. “The Air Force has always instilled character in people,” said Shelton. “You look at our creed and our mottos, I learned the importance of loyalty and being a part of a bigger thing than myself and to me that’s the biggest thing that I learned in the Air Force.” Shelton feels his biggest Air Force were his efforts to integrate all Air Force battlefield Airmen into special tactics teams. “I helped the career field embrace the idea of joining forces with the combat control Air Force Specialty Code and becoming special tactics teams.”