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Jack Bond

U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Jack Bond, takes part in the Air Force Veteran's in Blue project July 24, 2014, in Dallas, TX.(US Air Force Photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes/Not Reviewed)

U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Jack Bond, takes part in the Air Force Veteran's in Blue project July 24, 2014, in Dallas, TX.(US Air Force Photo by Senior Airman Daniel Hughes/Not Reviewed)

Colonel (Ret.) Jack Bond began his Air Force career in 1951, after graduating from Texas A&M where he earned his commission through their ROTC Program. As a reconnaissance pilot during the Vietnam War, Bond flew 132 combat missions. During one of these missions he was shot down and eventually recovered by U.S. forces. After 23 years of service, Bond retired. Jack was not the only Bond to answer his nation’s call. His older brother, Maj. Gen. Charles R. Bond Jr., preceded him in service and fought in World War II nearly 10 years earlier with the storied Flying Tigers of the 1st American Volunteer Group. The group was part of forces recruited under the authority of the president of the United States to help defend China against the Japanese, and first saw combat 12 days after Pearl Harbor. The Bond brothers developed a love for the group’s heritage, attending Flying Tiger reunion events. Jack has upheld the Flying Tigers banner since his brother’s passing in 2009. This year, Bond is chairman of the AVG (American Volunteer Group) Flying Tiger’s 73rd Reunion occurring in Dallas. Through the Flying Tigers, his brother’s memory and tales of his own experiences, he continues to spread the word about the U.S. Air Force’s legacy of valor.