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Michael Gould

Veterans in Blue

Veterans in Blue

Lieutenant General (Ret.) Michael Gould joined the Air Force in 1971 and served as the 18th superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He led seven different commands, was the military aide to the White House for President George W. Bush, and served three tours at the Pentagon before retiring in 2013. “I thought all along, that I would separate once my commitment was up, and here I am 38 years later,” Gould said.

The Air Force tradition runs strong within the Gould family. His wife, retired Col. Paula Gould, served as a KC-135 Stratotanker pilot. His two sons are currently serving in the Air Force. Gould emphasized the importance of serving your country.

“The Air Force is not just a job or experience, but the idea that you are serving others by your service to your country,” he said.

Now, Gould is serving on eight different non-profit boards, he is a member of the College Football Playoff Selection Committee, he takes speaking engagements, invests in new business ventures and participates in activities he loves.  

Gould resides where his Air Force career began, in Colorado Springs, with his wife Paula.